Joining our loyalty program is easy and free! Simply create an account on our website here or log in if you already have an account. You will automatically become a member of our loyalty program.
You earn 1 point for every $1 NZD spent on full priced products, both online and in-store. Points are accumulated automatically once you've logged in and made a purchase.
Points can be redeemed for vouchers:
$15 Voucher for 250 points (minimum spend $50, vouchers cannot be stacked or be used with any other discounts)
Vouchers are valid for 30 days from the redemption date.
If you have signed up to our loyalty program in-store, you will need to create a password for your account. To do this, just enter your email and a password in the signup section above. Then you can redeem your vouchers online through a discount code or if you are shopping in-store just inform a staff member that you are apart of our loyalty program and they can redeem your available vouchers.
You can easily check your points balance by logging into your account on our website and visiting the loyalty program section. Your points balance will be displayed along with any available rewards.
Yes, points expire if there is no activity on your account for 12 months. We'll send you a reminder before your points are set to expire.
In order to receive notifications of offers or new product drops you need to enable email marketing. email marketing is not turned on by default when you create a loyalty account. You can do this by signing up to our newsletter at the bottom of the page. By doing this it will enable us to send you email notifications of special offers and new products.
Once you've earned enough points for a voucher, you can redeem it for a unique discount code. Use this code during checkout online. For in-store purchases, inform our staff at the counter, and they will apply your discount.
No, unfortunately our loyalty vouchers can only be used on full-price items, with the minimum spend requirement for each voucher tier.
No, loyalty vouchers are non-transferable and can only be used by the account holder. We encourage friends and family to create their own accounts to start earning points.
Purchases made using a loyalty voucher are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged, in accordance with our terms and conditions.
A personal online assistant for Silver and Gold Members is a dedicated service that provides exclusive assistance throughout your shopping online experience. This includes overseeing your order from start to finish, ensuring personalised service tailored to your preferences and needs. They act as your guide, helping you navigate options, make informed decisions, and ensure a seamless shopping journey. This personalised service aims to enhance your satisfaction whilst shopping online by offering tailored support and ensuring you receive the best possible shopping experience.
We ask for 30 days' notice on birthday dates for members to receive these points. If a member enters a birthday within 30 days of the date on which they added it, they will have to wait until the next year to receive their points.
In the Gold Members tier, you receive free shipping on all future orders placed using your account, as long as each order totals $20 or more. This benefit rewards our frequent shoppers and enhances the value of your membership by eliminating standard shipping fees. Only applicable for orders shipped inside NZ.
To receive your Christmas gift as a Gold tier member, eligibility is determined as of December 1st each year. The gift can either be picked up in-store or delivered to you free of charge. Please specify your preference for delivery if desired.
Welcome to the Mount Longboards Loyalty Program! These terms and conditions govern your participation in our loyalty program, including the earning and redemption of loyalty points and vouchers.
1. Earning Loyalty Points:
Mount Longboards Loyalty Points ("Points") are earned on eligible purchases made online and in-store at Mount Longboards. Points are earned based on the total dollar amount spent, shipping fees, and discounts. Points cannot be earned on purchases of gift cards.
2. Redeeming Loyalty Vouchers:
Mount Longboards Loyalty Vouchers ("Vouchers") are earned based on accumulated Points and can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases. Vouchers can only be redeemed once and are valid for use within 30 days from the redemption date. Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts, coupons, or offers unless explicitly stated. Vouchers cannot be used to purchase gift cards. Minimum purchase thresholds may apply for redeeming Vouchers, as specified for each Voucher tier.
3. Returns and Exchanges:
As per our return and exchange policy items purchased with a voucher cannot be returned. Therefore items purchased with a voucher are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
4. General Terms:
Mount Longboards reserves the right to modify or cancel the loyalty program, Points, or Vouchers at any time without prior notice. Changes to the loyalty program terms will be communicated to members via the email address associated with their account. Mount Longboards reserves the right to terminate a member's account or exclude a member from participating in the loyalty program for any reason, without providing compensation for unused Points or Vouchers. We also reserve the right to cancel any order placed using vouchers at any time without prior notice. By participating in the loyalty program, you agree to these terms and conditions and any modifications thereof.